At the beginning of the year, I set myself a challenge: Create 18 works in each of 6 categories in 2018.
Let’s see how we’re doing so far:
Blog posts
2 (Including this one)
Eek. Although I have written 6 outlines. And was planning to do more blog posts once we’re into fall. But I really need to get a few more out this summer.
Foam weapons and armor
3 swords, 2 maces, 1 tiara. So 6/18.
Not feeling too bad about this one. There’s always a production push right before Minnesota Renaissance Festival and before Blizzcon. Might even get a DragonCon commission in there.
YouTube videos
One. But I’m slowly getting my workflow together. Even assuming a big winter production push, I’m way behind.
Live streams.
What are we at? Like 40?
I need to find a way to combine the shooting of YouTube content with the live streams.
Electronics projects
I think we’re at 6. So a bit behind.
Published Thingiverse models
- I think we’re gonna hit the 18 without any problems.